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COVID-19 Protocols


Updated: May 2, 2022

CSSMA COVID-19 Reopening Safety Plan

Updated March 2022

CSSMA COVID-19 Reopening Safety Plan Updated March 2022

Church Street School for Music and Art’s (CSSMA) policies comply with New York State and City guidelines and with CDC recommendations, and will be updated as information develops. All policies will apply to CSSMA programs, held at 41 White Street and at any off-site location.

Additional policies may apply when programs are held in off-site locations.


  • All CSSMA employees are required to be fully vaccinated for COVID-19 before teaching or working in-person unless they have a medical exemption. In the case of a medical exemption, CSSMA requires the employee to produce a negative COVID test weekly.

  • Masks are optional for individuals over the age of 5 years while indoors.

  • Everyone between the ages of 2 and 5 years will be required to wear a mask while in the school. Masks will be provided if needed.

    • Faculty members teaching students under 5 years of age are required to wear a mask while indoors.

  • Everyone will be asked to remain at least a 6 foot distance from each other.

  • All employees, and renters will be required to sign a COVID-19 safety plan agreement.

  • All Program participants will sign a code of conduct agreement acknowledging understanding of CSSMA’s new COVID-19 procedures, agreeing to abide by them or risk losing the privilege of visiting our facilities, and agreeing not to visit the facility if experiencing any of the outlined COVID-19 symptoms (temp over 100° F, cough, chills, shortness of breath, runny nose, new loss of taste or smell, muscle pain, sore throat, diarrhea or nausea or vomiting), and agreeing to alert us if they or any member of their household tests positive for COVID-19.

  • Only Employees, registered program users and rental clients are allowed in the facility. No guests, drop-in users or non-pre-registered customers will be permitted into the facility.

    • Prospective students must be arranged by appointment

    • Vendor deliveries can be left just inside the facility without contact

    • If necessary, parent/caregiver limited to one per program participant for children under age 14 years.


  • Front desk has a new acrylic barrier to protect front desk staff while having conversations. Lobby seating is spaced to easily adhere to social distancing guidelines.

  • Signage throughout the space has information on safe procedures for staying healthy through social distancing, wearing masks and cleaning hands.

  • New HVAC system filtration and cleaning. Our central air system has been fully serviced and we have installed new hospital grade filters. This system can be used throughout the year to improve overall air quality throughout the school.

  • Windows will also be opened to let in outside air whenever possible.

  • No-touch hand sanitizing stations are located in all lobby areas.

  • Traffic in stairwell is directed by floor markings to organize movement and allow for social distancing.


Daily Cleaning Protocols:

  • Sweep, mop, vacuum and clean the space daily or more as needed. Remove garbage and add new lining to cans daily or more as needed.

  • Supply a hand washing stations with soap, and paper towels or hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol – check supplies throughout the day.

  • Clean common areas with guest access including bathrooms and entrances daily and additionally as needed.

  • Wipe railings with disinfecting spray prior to classes and between classes throughout the day.

Additional precautions we will take to reduce the spread of COVID-19 in addition to the standard cleaning protocol:

  • Limit guest count based on state and local capacity guidelines: Ask parents to drop off and pickup at front door.

  • Space out classes and rentals to allow for cleaning between activities.

  • Disinfect high touch surfaces and shared amenities such as light switches, door knobs and railings throughout the day.

  • Properly clean pianos and other instruments between use with the appropriate supplies which will be provided in each classroom and teaching studio.

  • Provide a hand sanitizer and disposable masks for guests and employees if needed.

  • Capacity will be monitored at the front desk, and lobby areas are configured to adhere to social distancing guidelines.

  • A cleaning log will be kept in the front desk and supervised by Betsy Kerlin, Associate Director to ensure compliance with cleaning regulations.


Prior to opening, CSSMA will provide a clear safety plan to our community through email as well as making it accessible on our website and posted inside the school. This information will be updated regularly to reflect state and city guidelines.

  • Signage: Social distancing, face mask requirements, and appropriate hand cleaning procedure guidelines will be posted throughout the school.

  • All registered program participants will receive and be asked to sign a COVID-19 code of conduct agreement prior to attending in-person programs.

  • All Employees will receive and be asked to sign a COVID-19 safety plan agreement prior to attending the facility.


Only scheduled employees, renters and students will be admitted into the facility.

If your response to any of the below questions is yes, please do not enter the building.

  1. Have you tested positive for COVID-19 in the past 14 days;

  2. Have you experienced any symptoms of COVID-19 in the past 14 days; and/or

  3. Have you knowingly been in close or proximate contact in the past 14 days with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 or who has or had symptoms of COVID-19;

  4. Have you traveled internationally or from a state with widespread community transmission of COVID-19 per the New York State Travel Advisory in the past 14 days?

CSSMA has developed protocols for caring for students, faculty or staff who may develop COVID-19 symptoms while in the school. Staff and Faculty will be trained to follow these protocols as well as sign a safety agreement prior to commencing in-person work with CSSMA.


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